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A free PK-12 school of choice located in Westminster, CO

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We believe that all community members have the right to a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment where we can do our best work. The foundation for our safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment is:

  • Clear Expectations: Establish and communicate a clear, consistent set of expectations for behavior and conduct.
  • Supportive Response: We seek first to understand in an objective way.
  • Achieve Resolution: Identify the choice that did not meet expectations; identify how that choice impacted themselves, others, and/or the learning environment; identify different choices that meet achieve a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment; restore any harm that was caused to self, others, or the learning environment; and assign appropriate consequences.

We understand that students will sometimes make choices that impede our ability to provide everyone a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment. We believe that each of these choices provides an opportunity to learn and grow.  We believe that our response to these choices should be instructional, supportive, and predictable.  We believe resolution is achieved when harm is restored and a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment is achieved.